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Nevada Open Beds Training

OpenBeds is a provider-facing behavioral health solution for health systems, health plans, and state governments. OpenBeds creates trusted, coordinated care treatment networks—improving provider support and care delivery to patients in need.


Nevada Mental Health Crisis Hold & Involuntary Treatment Summit (March 2022)

Statewide summit focused on issues surrounding mental health crisis holds and the involuntary court ordered admission process.
Target audience – All participants involved with the mental health crisis hold process including, but not limited to:
o Law enforcement
o Crisis Intervention Teams/ Mobile Outreach Safety Teams
o Hospital staff and administrators
o Treatment providers
o Lawyers
o Peers and family
o Clinicians
o Policy makers


Nevada Open Beds Training

OpenBeds is a provider-facing behavioral health solution for health systems, health plans, and state governments. OpenBeds creates trusted, coordinated care treatment networks—improving provider support and care delivery to patients in need.


Nevada Mental Health Crisis Hold & Involuntary Treatment Summit (March 2022)

Statewide summit focused on issues surrounding mental health crisis holds and the involuntary court ordered admission process.
Target audience – All participants involved with the mental health crisis hold process including, but not limited to:
o Law enforcement
o Crisis Intervention Teams/ Mobile Outreach Safety Teams
o Hospital staff and administrators
o Treatment providers
o Lawyers
o Peers and family
o Clinicians
o Policy makers